January Marriage Update

It's been a hot infinitesimal since I terminal gave you lot guys a formal marriage ceremony update! The goal of terminal yr apparently had other plans for how I would pass my fourth dimension but lets grab you lot upwards on whats been going on...

I retrieve everyone I talked to inward the past times three months has asked, "how's marriage ceremony planning going?" to which I tell "fine, I think." LOL I'm either WAY inward over my caput as well as I don't fifty-fifty realize it or I'm the most chill bride ever. I experience similar I haven't actually done anything meaningful for the marriage ceremony since sending out our Save the Dates which was inward Nov (rough estimate) terminal year!

I feel like at that topographic point should survive to a greater extent than I'm thinking almost but my marriage ceremony is honestly thence untraditional/outside of the norm that I'm non quite certain what I should/shouldn't survive doing for it. I started writing out the things I receive got done as well as and thence brainstorming the things I demand to practise as well as whew that listing is a lot longer than this ane lolol but I guess (to my benefit) it's to a greater extent than of the modest materials -- the big things we've locked down! Like...

Our ceremony as well as reception venues: Both of those are locked inward amongst contracts as well as deposits. I demand to figure out when the side past times side payment is owed but feeling actually corking almost both of these! The exclusively principal affair hither is figuring out rooms for everyone during the calendar week as well as and thence the reshuffle of the weekend!

Our photographer/videographer*: This was ane of the get-go things nosotros locked in as well as we're thence excited almost it. Also demand to banking company check inward on when the side past times side deposit is due but ALSO demand to figure out some other things similar when they are getting there, how they are getting there, what room they'll survive staying inward (in the house), what nosotros demand to become over earlier the wedding, doing our engagement shoot (oops!), the inspiration as well as overall experience to everything, the run of exhibit for them as well as I'm certain a lot of other picayune things that are on their banking company check list!

In add-on to that, I demand to figure out what I'm doing for the political party Fri as well as Sabbatum nighttime when the residual of our guests arrive. I desire to accept photos of theatre unit of measurement as well as friends thence I demand to detect somebody to practise that but hopefully somebody that isn't super expensive that knows how to accept proficient night/dark photos.

Our relieve the dates: these receive got been designed, sent out as well as posted almost (here!) as well as couldn't honey them more! Now it's on to figuring out the bridal shower invites as well as the total marriage ceremony suite invites.

The attire: My wearing clothing has been institute as well as ordered as well as we're currently waiting for it to come upwards inward thence I tin start my fittings! As for Andrew, I know what he's wearing but nosotros simply demand to lock that inward amongst an order. Same affair for the residual of the guys! As for the girls, I demand to follow upwards amongst everyone to brand certain they are on runway for finding something that industrial plant for them -- as well as detect my sister(s!!) their dresses.

Our crest as well as wedding print: These are fry things that receive got been thence much fun to create. Excited to exhibit you lot to a greater extent than of what nosotros receive got planned as well as inward shop for bringing these to life!

My Hair as well as Makeup*: It is confirmed that I'm doing my ain makeup for the marriage ceremony -- as well as straight off I've been tinkering amongst the persuasion of doing my ain pilus for the wedding. I experience similar it is totally doable as well as that it would all survive fine but it's non laid inward rock yet. I desire to practise it myself because the house on the isle is agency too expensive and simply seems similar a lot of work. I don't desire to practise it myself because I experience similar that would as well as thence larn out the residual of the women to larn cook on their ain equally well. Especially our moms, I desire to brand certain they experience equally beautiful equally I practise at the wedding. If I could, I would practise their makeup as well as pilus likewise (I did my moms for my sisters wedding) but I experience similar I would survive likewise stressed to practise all of that. Any ideas??

Decor: I receive got inward my heed (like 80%) the programme as well as I receive got a few pieces (like flowers, vases, china, flatware) already bought as well as proficient to become but at that topographic point is yet a lot I demand to detect as well as order. The upshot is what to practise amongst it until September. I demand to detect a agency to larn some things to the isle earlier I practise to relieve us some room straight off as well as for later. 

Transportation: We receive got a business office of this done but at that topographic point is thence much to a greater extent than that needs to survive persuasion through as well as decided upon! We locked inward the automobile ferry reservation for getting to the island. Now nosotros simply demand to figure out if nosotros should mass some other car, who is driving vs flight as well as how much room we'll demand to convey all of the items to the island. 

Next up:

-We demand to mass a DJ -- nosotros kept going dorsum as well as forth almost this but I retrieve we're simply going to line the trigger as well as larn it done.

-Shop for marriage ceremony bands -- this I am real excited as well as a picayune nervous about. My vociferation isn't actually made for some other vociferation to become amongst it thence we'll receive got to larn creative inward what nosotros decide!

-Lock inward political party rentals -- I receive got a contract for this, simply demand to utter it over amongst my dad as well as larn a deposit over to them asap.

-Plan my bachelorette -- doing this amongst my sis as well as Caitlin! We receive got a date, simply demand to figure out a house nosotros desire to /can afford to go. Dying to become to St Barths lololol.

-Figure out the programme for our marriage ceremony shower -- we're thinking some fourth dimension inward May but exterior of that (and having Shake Shack survive served) nosotros don't receive got many details. So we'll demand to start working on that soon!

-Planning our marriage ceremony invitations -- possibly surprise to no ane but I don't actually know what I desire our invitations to await like! I demand to start looking around for ideas as well as inspiration. The exclusively affair I practise know is what the dorsum of the invite volition await like. I guess you lot receive got to start somewhere?? 

Read almost my September and August Wedding Update here and see all marriage ceremony content HERE!

Please drib your advice/recommendations/ideas below! What am I missing or non thinking of?? #help


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